• Question: What problem do you want to solve in the world today?

    Asked by to Amy, Anita, Daryl, Nimesh, Sandra on 20 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by , .
    • Photo: Anita Thomas

      Anita Thomas answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      That’s not fair! I want to solve lots of problems (like what happens to all of the socks, and where do underpants go?).

      More seriously, I want to find a way of reversing blocked arteries ie make them unblocked. That way we will pretty much prevent people from having heart attacks, strokes and diseases due to blocked blood vessels.

      Oh, yes, I want world peace too.


    • Photo: Amy Monaghan

      Amy Monaghan answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      If I could solve any problem in the world – I would want everyone to have a fair access to free education. If you want to learn you should be allowed to learn whatever you like and wherever you like, regardless of age, sex, race or religion.

      In science I would like to cure cancer – but who doesn’t want to do that?! Unfortunately because there are so many different types I can only work on one small section at a time. But I’m trying my hardest!

    • Photo: Daryl Jones

      Daryl Jones answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I would like to solve the problem of war- i would like to bring peace to different cultures and religions, and to end the injustices that occur because of war. War slows down our progress in science, and slows down our progress as humans, period!! It also causes so much pain and death and heartache! And poverty!

    • Photo: Nimesh Mistry

      Nimesh Mistry answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I wish everyone in the world had access to clean water, food, medicine and a good education.

    • Photo: Sandra Chiwanza

      Sandra Chiwanza answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Hi Owen,

      A very philosophical question indeed!

      I think for me, I will have to agree with Amy. Free education is the key to solving many of our other problems…Education is empowering and enables one to have options in life and also plays a role in building your confidence as an individual.
      My mother always said that people can take away all your material possessions, but they can never ever take away your education..
