• Question: What is the most common fatal disease?

    Asked by to Amy, Anita, Daryl, Nimesh, Sandra on 18 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Anita Thomas

      Anita Thomas answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Cardiovascular disease (caused by atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries) is the most common single disease in the Western world. Most of us develop it as we grow older. It isn’t always fatal, however.

    • Photo: Daryl Jones

      Daryl Jones answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Heart disease is the most common fatal disease! But cancer is catching up and I won’t be surprised if cancer overtakes heart disease! We need to work hard on a cure! Fortunately though, not all cancers are fatal as we have good treatments these days 🙂

    • Photo: Amy Monaghan

      Amy Monaghan answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Cardiovascular disease – which includes heart attacks, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, and strokes – is the most common fatal disease in the Western world. This is partly because our lifestyles are becoming less healthy, but also because people are living for longer.

      Cancer is the second biggest killer, again because a lot of people are living for longer. However it is hard to classify cancer as a single disease as there a hundreds of different types, even in the same tissue, and each one has a different set of treatments and often a different outcome.

      I currently work on prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer treatments, as well as looking at new drugs for heart disease. Because these diseases occur so often, there are lots of researchers working on them!

