• Question: What is something that I might see at a zoo or park that is related to what you study?

    Asked by to Anita, Daryl on 27 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Daryl Jones

      Daryl Jones answered on 27 Jun 2014:

      ooow good question!

      My answer is cheetahs!! because cheetahs have been shown to get dementia!
      And also camels!! Because we take blood from camels and turn them into treatments for dementia! 🙂

    • Photo: Anita Thomas

      Anita Thomas answered on 27 Jun 2014:

      Today I started reading a scientific paper about how parrots get atherosclerosis, and you ask this question! What a coincidence!

      There you are, animals in zoos/parks get the disease that I’m studying – it’s not just humans.
